Derivative Transactions Integration and Reporting

Business Situation

Derivative transactions are widely used in many reports and profit and loss account. Even though the main idea is very similar, there are many different transaction types that can be processed between customers and banks. Each new transaction, the state of the current transactions and the transactions that came to maturity are required to be reported in a specific format to legal organizations daily. In order to compose the required data for reporting, the complex data sets from different applications were needed to organized.

Our approach & Solution

To be able to create the required reporting format, and to be prepared for possible future demands, first, we separated and grouped the data that we acquire from different applications according to their transaction properties and created datamarts, thus creating the first layer, so that each transaction type could be stored daily and different features of the same group can be formulized separately. After the transactions are separated and necessary calculations are computed, we created the second layer, which creates the main template of the daily reports, by using the first layer and again combining the required features from each transaction type.

Since all the data concerning derivative transactions was grouped and cleared, the system that we created was ready to be used for the current demand plus for the future demands which requires data about derivative transactions.


We prepared our processes via Oracle Databases and Oracle Data Integrator.
This output exported as validated XML and flat files and transferred through FTP or e-mail notification.